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Active Studies
Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd. Study
Study Details: This study is to evaluate bone mineral density with long-term use of the study drug in premenopausal women with heavy menstrual bleeding due to uterine fibroids or moderate-severe pain associated with endometriosis.
Compensation: Up to $2,600.00
Length of Study: Approximately 5 years
You may qualify if you:
Are a premenopausal woman 18 to 50 years of age.
Are willing to avoid pregnancy for 4 years using nonhormonal methods of contraception.
Have a diagnosis of either uterine fibroids with heavy menstrual bleeding or endometriosis with associated moderate to severe pain.
Astellas Hot Flash Study
Study Details: An observational study among women 40-75 years of age with hot flashes associated with menopause.
Subjects will be required to wear a device on their wrist, like a watch, to record hot flashes.
Compensation: Up to $560.00
Length of Study: Approximately 12 months
You may qualify if you:
​Are a woman of age between 40-75 years.
Have been diagnosed with bothersome hot flashes due to/associated with menopause for at least 3 months.
Have been newly prescribed a non-hormone medication for the treatment of hot flashes.
Willing to wear a device on your wrist, like a watch, in two-week intervals to record hot flashes.
Bacterial Vaginosis Study
Study Details: The purpose of this study is to assess the safety and tolerability of the study drug.
Compensation: Up to $1302.00
Length of Study: Approximately 130 days
You may qualify if you:
Are a woman at least 18 years of age, diagnosed and suffer from recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis and currently have BV.
Able to participate in trial as an outpatient, to attend all required visits, and to comply with all trial requirements.
Apart from clinical diagnosis of BV, are healthy, in the clinical judgement of the investigator.
Able to visit our office 6 times within a specified time frame.
Agree to abstain from vaginal intercourse for 21 days.
Endometriosis Study
Study Details: The purpose of this study in to look at the safety and effectiveness of the study drug when taken together with a combination oral contraception.
Compensation: Up to $1600.00
Length of Study: Approximately 1 year
You may qualify if you:
Are a premenopausal female 18-49 years of age.​
Have a documented diagnosis of endometriosis.
Be willing to discontinue use of any prior medications for endometriosis.
Meet other testing criteria done in the office at your first visit.

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